Friday, January 1, 2010

The New Look of the Clifton Home in 2010

I can't believe it is Jan 1, 2010.  Where has the time gone?

Our home has undergone many changes this year: kassie in college, ben in high school.  The biggest one as yet occurred yesterday.  My grandmother moved in with us : ) 

There are many reasons this happened, but I feel I can sum it up fairly concisely. The bible is quite clear on mandates to take care of orphans and widows. We, as a family, are committed to following that mandate.  The expense of the facility where she was residing was raising exponentially.  A change had to be made, so we made it here.  We are barely more than 24 hours into this adventure, and I know it's going to be different.  I know it's going to be hard.  But, I also know that God's grace is shown perfect in my weakness.  He will be my source of love, comfort, and patience to cover and protect my precious grandmother in the final years of her life.

Please pray for us as we embark upon this change. 

Mission trips coming up...I will blog more on that soon!  Grandma and I are hanging out a lot in the basement; I have a feeling I will have more time to keep up on this blog and my personal one.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Intro to the new blog...

Hello to friends and family in cyberville!

I have decided to start a blog for friends and family who are not involved with our day-to-day lives.  It's so hard to stay caught up on everyone, even with the help of facebook and twitter!

Just some updates:
Clarence is still working for Walgreens....

Kassie is a freshman at Miami University in Oxford, OH.  She is skating one of the three synchronized skating teams there.  To avoid a lengthy dissertation on the divisions of United States Figure Skating Association, I will compare her team to a freshman varsity team.  She will compete on both a national and international is so exciting!

Timothy is a junior in high school and still homeschooling.  His current interests are keyboard, guitar, and photography.  He plays keyboard with the high school worship band and has been on several photo shoots to accumulate a portfolio.  He definitely gets his eye from his dad and Uncle Bill!  He smooth talked his father into helping him buy all the supplies for a black and white darkroom so we are in the process of getting all that set up.  Another goal he is working toward is completing his Eagle scout award.  As soon as he decides on and completes his project, he will have that scouting distinction.

Ben is a freshman at Centerville.  He is very involved in leadership in our youth group.  As a mom, the most exciting part of my summer was watching him stand to commit to full time ministry. (At the same service my niece, Sami, also committed to full time ministry. I was beside myself!)  Ben is playing intramural soccer and loving it.  He and Sami are on the same team.  He is doing well in school and seems to be enjoying know 14 year old boys, us mom's have to drag everything out of them we can!

As for me, I'm home with Timothy.  I have been a leader in our youth group since we moved to Dayton 4 years ago.  The girls I started with are all freshmen in college and we are trying to find a way to remain somewhat intact via the internet as they are spread out from Columbus, Ohio to Savannah, Georgia.  The rest of my group are seniors this year and we are starting a new study by Elizabeth George.

In the last year there has been some stretching, growing, and rough spots but still we keep on.  God is on the move, in each of our lives, in our family, in our extended family and in our church.  It is exciting....most of the time ; ).

I will put some pictures up soon.  Right now I need to go get ready for a meeting I have at church with a couple of very special young ladies.

Praising Jesus....the Way, the Truth, and the Life!